House Doctor Conical Basket

Size: Small
Length 37cm / 43cm / 49cm
Depth 16cm / 25cm / 45cm
Height 37cm / 45cm / 53cm
Materials Pine Wood, Paper


Storage chic

Are you in need of a smart way to store all of your small items? With Conical from House Doctor, you get a cool basket that is made of pinewood and paper.

The basket comes in a stunning, natural brown colour that suits the modern home perfectly. The Conical basket also comes with two handles, and is perfect for storing toilet paper in your bathroom, blankets in the living room or simply just a way to keep track of all of your small items in the bedroom.

Available in 3 sizes, each sold separately:

l: 37 cm, w: 16 cm, h: 37 cm

M: l: 43 cm, w: 25 cm, h: 45 cm

l: 49 cm, w: 33 cm, h: 53 cm


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