Pappelina Otis Runner Rug

Size: 70x50cm
Colour: Granit


Bold patterns, classic colours

The iconic teardrop patterns of the Otis rug make it an unmistakeable classic from Swedish rugmaker Pappelina. Suitable for both indoor and outdoor spaces, its versatility is enhanced by the fact that every Otis rug is also reversible, giving you 2 rugs in 1.

All Pappelina Otis Rugs are made at their local weaving mill in Leksand, Dalarna. To the sound of wooden shuttles rushing forth and back – a well-coordinated interplay between loom, warp and weft – create the pattern of choice.

Each rug they make represents a piece of Swedish craftsmanship and thanks to great composition, high-quality materials and devoted craftsmen and -women, we bring you the durable, contemporary and colourful design that is Pappelina.

Every Pappelina rug is very practical and easy-to-care-for, with a welded ribbon for strength and durability. Each comes embossed with the Pappelina logo, at both edges.

Material: Phthalate-free PVC ribbon, polyester warp.


Delivery information:

Local orders will usually arrive within 7-10 working days. We appreciate your patience, especially during such times. For international orders for large items, please contact our sales team. We will not process the immediate payment on overseas orders for large rugs.

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